In addition to writing, I also speak about developer productivity and business.

I've had the opportunity to speak with great people, and very few of those conversations have been recorded.


Monta su primera startup siendo programador: Primeros 100 clientes | #lafunción 9x4

CodelyTV, October 2023

In this interview with Marco and Francesc from, they will tell us how the first year has been since they started with the startup. They have completed a first round of investment with an international fund, they have gone through an accelerator, today they will announce the launch on Product Hunt, and above all, they have obtained the first 100 clients.

Analizamos Proyecto con Go, Nuxt y Tailwind | #laFunción 8x16

CodelyTV, January 2023

Interesting interview if you want to see what it's like to build your own project. We interviewed Marco Patiño, who has created a product to integrate GitHub with Slack. We will see how he approaches the technical development, seeks to validate Product Market Fit, establishes pricing, and much more 🤟