SomosBlain, November 2024
En este episodio del podcast Somos Blain, Fernando Blanco conversa con Marco Patiño, fundador de, una herramienta que optimiza la eficiencia en equipos de desarrollo. Marco comparte su inspiradora historia desde sus inicios como estudiante en Barcelona hasta fundar
CTOSummit, June 2024
Over the past year, I’ve been highly focused on one specific area: code reviews. I’ve analyzed and interviewed dozens of teams of varying sizes, industries, and countries to truly understand the best practices surrounding code reviews. Stacked pull requests, conventional comments, pair programming, AI tools… This talk is essential for developers, managers, and CTOs. We will explore a set of practices and tools that significantly enhance developer productivity during code reviews.
Opground Podcast, October 2023
This week on Discovering Tech Stories #112 we have a new appointment with our colleague Marcel Gozalbo, co-founder & CTO of Opground, who will interview Francesc Holly and Marco Patiño, FullStack developers and founders of Pullpo.
CodelyTV, October 2023
In this interview with Marco and Francesc from, they will tell us how the first year has been since they started with the startup. They have completed a first round of investment with an international fund, they have gone through an accelerator, today they will announce the launch on Product Hunt, and above all, they have obtained the first 100 clients.
CodelyTV, January 2023
Interesting interview if you want to see what it's like to build your own project. We interviewed Marco Patiño, who has created a product to integrate GitHub with Slack. We will see how he approaches the technical development, seeks to validate Product Market Fit, establishes pricing, and much more 🤟